Tori Surber, Operations Manager at Eagle Telemedicine discusses the a shift telemed care focus by hospitals across the country:

  • Preparing to reopen and schedule elective procedures
  • Converting programs set-up in response to COVID-19 to offer more permanent telemed care services
  • Requesting information about other telemedicine solutions, like neurology, cardiology and psychiatry


Ascension Virtually Eliminates ID Transfers with Eagle Tele-ID

Telemedicine consultation at Great River Medical Center

Key Benefits

Telemed Care Savings Exceed Program Costs

Easy Rollout for 8 Hospitals, Multiple EMRs

Can Telemed Care Deliver Better Diagnoses  & Help Lower Readmissions ?

The Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP) reduces payments to hospitals with excessive readmissions. High readmission rates can contribute to significant damage to a hospital’s financial health. A significant contributor to hospital readmissions is inaccurate diagnosis and inappropriate treatment, including the use of excess antibiotics, unsuitable treatment, and poor selection of medication or treatment.

Studies demonstrate that in-hospital consultation with the appropriate specialist improves outcomes for hospitalized patients and lowers the possibility for readmission. For example, patients who received early intervention from an infectious disease specialist were less likely to be readmitted after discharge. These patients also had lower total healthcare spending.

What actions can hospitals take to lower readmission rates? Can telemed care help?

We are here to help.

COVID-19 is having a major impact on hospitals across the country.

Eagle physicians have the unique ability to provide telemed care for patients without increasing the risk of transmission.