Why Does Eagle Believe in the Power of Telehealth Providers?

We believe that telehealth providers are the great equalizer. Physician-led and professionally managed, Eagle Telemedicine brings the doctor to the patient. Our physicians increase access to patient care by delivering specialists services in communities where cardiologists, neurologists, pulmonologists, and other expert physicians are not available. See how you can help patients receive care in their community.

Regardless of whether your hospital or health system is experiencing issues with staffing gaps or specialty coverage, Eagle Telemedicine has you covered. Our deep bench of specialists helps you increase revenues by avoiding unnecessary transfers, providing specialized care, and accelerating response times for emergencies.

What Our Clients Say

Provider Perspective - Tele ID

A physician reflects on his choice to become a telemedicine physician. If you’re considering becoming a telemedicine physician, take a look at Dr. Kulter’s views on working with Eagle Telemedicine.

Dr. Rania Saleh, an infectious disease specialist with Eagle Telemedicine, had not admitted any COVID-19 patients at the time of this writing. However, she is preparing alongside her onsite clinical teams at rural Wisconsin hospitals.

“My time is spent educating physicians and nurses, patients and patients’ families on proper infection control techniques,” she says. “Good common-sense measures to prevent contraction of any virus, including COVID-19.”

Infectious Disease Telemedicine